House Call
Give us a call, we'll stop by.
We're a local mobile veterinary service that specializes in in-home euthanasia, acupuncture and health & wellness care. We provide high-quality and convenient pet health care right to your front door.
Our skilled veterinarians and technicians provide your pet with loving care and kindness while performing thorough physical exams, diagnostics, comprehensive treatments and end-of-life care. All in the comfort of your own home.
At NeighborhoodVet, we believe that the best care for your pet begins at home.
About Madison
Dr. Rose is the owner and head veterinarian of NeighborhoodVet.
A graduate of Western University of Health Sciences, she has practiced in California since graduation. Dr. Rose received most of her graduate and postgraduate clinical training here in San Diego. She has learned from the area's leading veterinarians in surgery, internal medicine, cardiology, and dermatology and continues to maintain a good rapport with the specialty hospitals in the area. Following graduation, Dr. Rose worked for several years in a small animal general practice where she continued to hone her clinical skills and client relations. Dr. Rose is certified in veterinary medical acupuncture and enjoys using an integrative medical approach to treating patients. She has dedicated her career to improving the lives of animals and their families. Special interests include preventative care, dermatology, acupuncture , and geriatric care.
Dr. Rose can perform a full range of medical treatments and diagnostics - all in the comfort of your own home. Her pain management protocols help maintain the highest standards of medicine for her geriatric patients. In addition, Dr. Rose has completed courses in pet hospice and in-home euthanasia.
When not working with companion animals, Dr. Rose volunteers her time rescuing and rehabilitating California wildlife. She also enjoys spending time with her family and their two dogs!

Our Services
In-Home Euthanasia and Geriatric Care
Most pet owners prefer house calls when deciding to euthanize a beloved pet. Although the decision is never easy, euthanizing a pet at home is the most anxiety-free option available. Geriatric care and home euthanasia allow you to spend your final months, days or moments with your cherished pet in the comfort of your own home. Our mission is to make this experience as stress and pain-free as possible.
Health & Wellness
Even when your pet is healthy, preventative health and wellness services are vital. When we choose to be proactive, issues can be avoided, which is why we are committed to practicing preventative care. See below to learn more about our services, prices and how you can help make a difference in the life of your pet.
Dr. Rose has received her certification in veterinary acupuncture from CuraCore, an integrative medicine and education program for veterinarians. Combined with western medicine, Dr. Rose uses acupuncture and other integrative modalities to help patients recover from post surgical pain and ileus, debilitating arthritis, chronic back and neck pain, intervertebral disk disease, immune dysfunction, muscle tension and much more.

Health and Wellness Services

Diagnostics and Treatment Services
Frequently Asked Questions
What can I expect from an in-home euthanasia visit?Whether we've treated your pet before or this is the first time you are contacting us, we will feel honored to hold your hand during this difficult time. After you schedule an appointment, our veterinarian and registered veterinary technician will come to your home. Our veterinarian will initially perform a thorough physical exam and discuss with you, your desires and needs during the euthanasia process. Once you and the veterinarian come up with a plan together, our veterinary technician will have you sign paperwork and other required documentation. Our veterinary team will then place an intravenous catheter in your pet's leg. This is a non-painful procedure, and simply allows the veterinarian to gain access to your pet's blood stream for the most pain free and stress free experience possible. Our veterinary team will then allow you whatever time you and your family need together with your pet - often leaving you and your family private time while they wait outside. When you are ready our veterinary team will come back in. Because we believe in providing the most stress free and pain free experience possible, we will administer an injectable pain medication first.This may make your pet appear sleepy.
When is it the right time to euthanize my pet?Although we are often asked this question, it is difficult to answer without a full veterinary evaluation of your pet.
After an in-home euthanasia, what do I do with my pet?"If you choose, our veterinary team will take your pet to a pet crematory. You may choose private or communal cremation. The crematory will provide you with ashes from your beloved pet in a personalized and beautiful wooden urn.
What is the benefit of an in-home veterinary visit?There are many reasons why a pet owner or pet may require or prefer and in-home veterinary visit - a pet owner is unable to bring a pet into a veterinary office, the pet is too sick to leave the house, the pet is too anxious to be in a busy veterinary office, or an owner is too busy to schedule an appointment and drive to a clinic. Whatever the reason may be, NeighborhoodVetis happy to come to your home. We can provide a stress-free environment for your pet with the same diagnostics and treatments you will find in a veterinary office.
What can I expect from an in-home health and wellness visit?When you schedule an appointment with NeighborhoodVet, we will send a veterinarian and registered veterinary technician to your home. Before arriving at your home, our veterinarian will have thoroughly reviewed your pet's medical history. Please be prepared for our veterinarian to take a thorough history from you regarding your pet's current issues as well as your plans and goals for the visit. Our veterinarian will arrive at your home equipped with all the necessary tools to perform a thorough physical examination. Please read our services page to see what we are able to perform in your home. It is important to note some procedures cannot be performed in your home and it will be at the discretion of the veterinarian to suggest what diagnostics and procedures should be performed. If a procedure is required that our veterinarian cannot perform in your home, our staff will gladly assist you in transportation to a veterinary hospital.
What can I expect from in-home assistance from a registered veterinary technician?At NeighborhoodVet,we provide a service unlike any other company. We can provide you with in-home registered veterinary technician support for a critical or medically needy pet. After you request the care of an in-home registered veterinary technician we will make an appointment for your pet to be evaluated by a veterinarian. The veterinarian will review previous medical records and perform a comprehensive physical exam. You and the veterinarian will discuss the kind of care your pet requires and we will then provide you an in-home registered veterinary technician to help implement the care that your pet requires. An in-home registered veterinary technician can help you with oral and injectable medication administration, post surgical handling and care, bandage changing, and much more. Whether you are going out of town for the night or need daily assistance while your pet recovers from a surgery, we will be able to provide your pet with the care it needs.
Plant Trees

Eden Reforestation Projects
Eden Reforestation Projects is a California based 501(c)(3) nonprofit that plants millions of trees every year on behalf of donors including NeighborhoodVet.
Together, our two companies have a shared mission to recreate healthy forest systems that help endangered species and restore hope for economies and communities around the world.
For every pet that has passed under our care, we will donate a tree in honor of that pet.

Trees planted-to-date by San Diego Neighborhood Vet
Plant a tree in honor of a pet
Instructions: If you would like to request that a tree is planted in honor of a pet, please fill out the box below. Include the donor's name (if different from the recipient), pet's name, first and last name of the person receiving the certificate, the recipient's mailing address, and their email address.
There is no cost to you for this tree.
A personalized card and Certificate of Authenticity will be sent to the name and address listed.
Contact Me

Dr. Madison Rose, DVM​
As of April 1st, Dr. Rose will be on maternity leave.
No worries - she'll be back soon.
Don't hesitate to contact our office to speak with our administrative staff.
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday
On Call
Contact Me For An Appointment
Additional fees may be applied for extended travel, holidays and appointments outside of normal business hours.